Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Missing Glamma

I am a grandma - not your usual grandma who bakes cookies, attends school plays or recitals or even a grandma who watches the kids for an afternoon or evening while the parents get a break. I have two sons who live several States away; favorite son #1 has two step-children, favorite son #2 is divorced with a daughter from that marriage and two sons with his current partner. Actually, today is favorite son #2's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!!!

There are perks with living so far away, one of which is that it allows me to live a pretty full life with my husband, owning and running a business together, entertaining friends and family, tending our gardens and couples supper club. Occasionally I find that I miss seeing the grandkids and am curious about what's going on in their lives, what they're learning, who their friends are, etc., but I must admit, I'm pretty happy living where I live and having them live where they live.

Selfish you say? Oh well, I guess I'm now what's called a 'Glamma' - grandmothers who love their grandchildren but who also love their own lives, thank you very much. We are a growing number of women who put life on the back burner while raising children and now, as empty-nesters, have the opportunity to re-visit those dreams or pursue our own Second Acts. We are redefining what mid-life looks like whether it's going back to college to get that degree or simply take a couple of classes. We are trying to eat better and exercise more (realizing that moms are trying too, but puh-leeze! they barely have to time get a shower, let alone get the exercise in!). We'd like to start a new business that's been kicking around in our heads or take the time to really discover who we are, why we're here and to somehow contribute something to this planet before we leave it.

And it doesn't mean that our grandchildren can't be a part of all that - it just means that it's ok to 'just say no' without feeling guilty. Unlike being a parent where it's 24/7, I can now choose how/when I spend quality time with my grandkids - to really be with them, to really see them and to really be present with them.

So I'm happy to say that I'm embrassing my inner Glamma - bring on the kids; oh wait a minute . . . don't pencil me in just yet . . . I have to check my calendar!